Monday, December 14, 2009

One year old pic. this one is my favorite!!!

Vern gave bug a tu-tu for her 1st b-day!

She looks so innocent...or is it more like what is going on?

Norman likes this one. He says that it looks like she is showing the tree off.

Friday, November 6, 2009

11 months already!?!?

This is a printer, but to Bug it is a chair, climbing toy and a shelf. She loves it.

Bug under the computer desk.
The Field Family
I could resist putting them on her!

These two where from this moring. She was having fun with mama and papa.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Everything but the kitchen sink!

It has been a great couple of weeks. Norman took the GRE!!! It was a happy day in the Griffiths/Field home. You could see the stress leave poor Norman! To celebrate he spent the day play with Bug and eating ice cream. We were all glad to have Norman back from study land!!!
I have been teaching art lessons for about a month now. It has been so much fun. I think i enjoy it more than my students.
The other day I found this great cook book at the library and have been cooking up a storm. My family didn't know I could cook until I moved here... partly because as a teen i didn't really want to cook, but now i have come to enjoy it very much.
Bug has been walking all over the house. It is so cute to watch her. Every day she gains more and more confidence. When she 1st started everyone would clap for her. So every now and again she will clap for herself when she walks, it is very cute!
Veronica, Lloyd and Nicole were out this past week! It was a lot of fun. We went to Ben's football game against Brockport and Monica's XC meet. It was a blast to have us all together again.(we did miss Jay thou.) It was really fun to reminisce about when we were little. I think that, that was one of my favorite parts!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Bug is starting to walk! OH YEAH!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9 months

Norman and I at a church dance. It was so much fun!

hehe that's are little buggesters!

Here are the up dates:
Bug is now 9months! Crazy! She is loving life. She cut her 1st two teeth (bottom). She has crawling down to an art and is trying her luck at walking. We are having a blast with her!
Norman is still looking for a job. It is kinda bitter sweet I enjoy having him home but at the same time I would enjoy not having to worry about money.
I start teaching art lessons this week. I'm very excited. probably more excited them my students.
This next week we are going to go see my good friend Heather and her hasband Eric down in PA. I can"t wait to see her. It will be great to spend time with her.
Ben and Monica have started football and XC. It been fun watching them. GO BEN! GO MONICA! They have grew up so fast and they are the best kids! we enjoy the time that we are able to spend with them. One of the resons i'm so greatful that we are living with my mom and dad is so that we can get to know them.
Well that is all...TTFN!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

We went to the museam of play with Bug. It was so much fun. There where so many new things for her to explore. She loved all the kids around too. Here are some videos. Enjoy!

This was in the toddler area. She loved to stand up on the walls. So Mama thought that she might like to work on walking and she did.

She likes to make muisc and the piano is the best because you have to bang on it.

This next one is cute. I thought I was taking a picture but it started to recored... it was cute so we just went with. (babies don't hold still anyways so video sometimes works better anyways.)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ok So I thought I would try doing the pictures on the side and I don't think that I like it.
Lets see whats new... Norman has been at his job for about 2 months now. He likes it but it is stressful. He is in the primary teaching the 10 & 11 year olds. He really enjoys that. I have fianily got the hang of this stay at home mom thing. I love staying home with Annalisa! She is so much fun. As you can see she is quit a chacter. Some of her favorit things right now are: rolling around on the floor, being tickled by Ben, listening to Papa spake greman, touching Mamas face, playing with Monica, talking to Grandpa and Grandma, and being held by Nikki. Her favorit thing to say is "HI".

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cazy & Loving Every Minute!

It is an interesting experience going from two people to eight. During the week it is a little bit more like what we are use to. The kids, Mom and Dad are at school and work so it is usually just Norman and I. Norman study I take care of Bug no bigy. But then comes the weekend don don don don...Ben and Monica have there things they need to do...Nicole has her things she needs to get done and then there is Mom and Dad...and us. There is just not enough time in one weekend. But I wouldn't trade it for the world it is so nice to be with them you almost forget that your going 90 miles an hour. It is also great to have so many hands to help out. Needless to say we are still getting use to have a full house but it is great to be home.

A New Job
Norman got a job working at the Hospital. He starts this coming Monday. We are excited. We have been out of work for 3 months so it is wonderful to know that we have a pay check coming in.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bug and Mama
Thank you thank you very much(grandpa loves this pic.)

She even smiles in her sleep!

Ben kissing Bug

I love her big blue eyes

This is one of my Favorit!!

Bug in Grandpa's arms

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New York!

We made it to New York! It was smooth flying. Bug slept right through the flights and so did we. =-)
It was a happy day for Grandpa when he final got to see his little grand baby. He held her as much as he could before he had to go back to work. Uncle Ben was also able to see her. It was so cute he gave he a little kiss on the forehead and then had her hold his finger. It was a great weekend.
Early last week I feed her 3 bottles so that she wouldn't blow out her diapers.(The Dr. said to do that) It worked good a little good...She got constipated! We gave her same prune and apple juice, surprisingly she didn't mind it.(I think it was because she was hungry.) she still wouldn't go so we had to take her to the Dr. When we were there Norman ask the Dr. slyly if it is good to feed her apple juice and the Dr. was like "We do that with older kids but the young babes wont take it." it was hard not to say " We gave it to her hahahah" Thankfully she is pooing again.=-)