Friday, May 13, 2011

Comings and Goings

We have had a great start to our summer. Norman myself and the girls went to CA to see mt sisters for about 2 weeks. It was so much fun. It was great to see family and friends. The cousin were so cute together. Annalisa was so excited about being out side! We could hardly keep her in. While we were there we also got to see our newest nephew blessed. I really didn't want to come back...between the weather and my sisters, but we needed to be back. Liviana was tongue tied and the appointment to fix it was in a couple of day so we had to say good bye to family and sunshine.
Shortly after we were home Norman's parents come from Germany to visit. They stayed for a couple of weeks. It was very nice to see them and the girls love the attention of not only one set of grandparents by two. Poor Livi was sick most of the time that they were here...but by the time they left she was feeling her happy self again.
I have been taking some online classes in day car management. It has been going very well. My ave right now is a 93. I must say that I have never had an average like that!! It is exciting to see something other then my art classes!
Annalisa out of the blue has really started to talk up a storm! she has the cutest squeaky voice. She has started to say prayers as well. it's very sweet. She has loved that the weather has finally decided to be nice so she can go outside and play. She is a lot of fun.
Liviana is growing so much. She warms my heart with her laughter. She has the best laugh! She recently feel in love with food. ( i think b/c she was tongue tie it was hard for her to eat) She could sit at the table for hours content to just relaxing and eating. She has also started to stand up a little bit more. When we hold her hands to walk she can hardly stop laughing...which dosen't make it easy to walk.
Sorry i don't have the pictures on this computer so I will have to put some up next time.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Norman is doing much much better. Thank yous go out to all of you for your prayers! Here are a few photo updates of the girls. Livi is now 7 months and Annalisa is 2years old! They are getting so big. what happened to my babies?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Some of you know and others may not my sweet Norman is in the hospital. I don't want to put to much info on here. We just need your prayers mostly him, that he will get better and be able to come home to his family.(I don't want to be rude but i would prefer no questions about the details Thanks)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Indianapolis Adventures Begins

We are enjoying being in Indiana. It is so nice to have our own place. We were able to find a nice apartment that was in our price range but still has a lot space.

The community seems nice. They have story time at the library. The girls loved it. It was nice for me to be able to talk with other moms too.Today was really cool they had free admission to get in to the children's museum. There was a ton of people there but it was still fun.
We have been able to keep in touch with my family by using skype. It is so wonderful for the kids to still see grandma and grandpa. I think it fun for the grandparent to see the kids grew week to week too.