Saturday, July 25, 2009

We went to the museam of play with Bug. It was so much fun. There where so many new things for her to explore. She loved all the kids around too. Here are some videos. Enjoy!

This was in the toddler area. She loved to stand up on the walls. So Mama thought that she might like to work on walking and she did.

She likes to make muisc and the piano is the best because you have to bang on it.

This next one is cute. I thought I was taking a picture but it started to recored... it was cute so we just went with. (babies don't hold still anyways so video sometimes works better anyways.)


Julie said...

Such fun videos! You have a good little walker on your hands.

LittlePeople said...

awww... so cute! I miss you guys so much! Eric and I want you to come visit soon, so I'll be calling you to see if we can work something out.