Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby # 2

At the beginning of this month I start to not feel very good. I thought that it might be the flu because every one in my family got it... but I still didn't feel right a week or two later so I took a pregnancy test. It come out positive! We are very excited...but that's not the end of the story. So I made a Ob appointment and I wasn't sure when my period was so they sent me for ultrasound. I thought that they might say that we are 2 months at most but it turns out that we are 12 weeks! Surprise we are 3 months pregnant!
Bug come to the ultrasound with us and she wasn't very happy that mommy wasn't holding her. Afterwards we showed her the pictures and she thought they were great. She was pointing to them and talking it was sweet.
This one is a 3D ultrasound. I thought that it was pretty cool. (The baby is facing right)
This one is a normal ultrasound. (The baby is facing down.)