Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today it was wonderful out. We were able to go out with hoodies and sweaters. Bug was so happy to be outside.
Monica and bug

Ben and Bug


This picture looks funny...I look like am upside down.
I love this one. I think it was so cute.
Ben, Bug, and Monica
Ben and Monica
We were in Sam's Club and there was a box of huge stuffed animals so we put her in it. She had fun.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We are having...

We went to the doctors yesterday and we found out that we are having another little girl! I think that it will be lots of fun. I love having sisters! Sharing clothes, a room, lots of laughs and many more things that i can't think of right now.(pergo brain) We have a lot of great memories and I know that there will be more to come. I love you Veronica, Nicole and Monica!(Don't worry Ben your my Favorite brother and I love you too!) Norman did already talk to Bug and said that her and her sister can't PMS. LOL we will see how that goes.
So I have a theory...I think Norman might have to wait for his little boy. He say we have to have at lest one boy. I think that the boy will be saved for last...just to make sure we have all the kids that God wants us to. :-)