Monday, December 6, 2010


As some of you may know we have been living with my parents and my youngest siblings for the past 2 years in New York. It has been great. I have loved getting to know them all so much better, they are wonderful people. I don't know what I would have done without them. I pray that our family can always stay close. This past weekend we move to Indianapolis IN...We are very excited about our new home. I can not thank my Heavenly Father enough for the time that we were able to stay with my family. I have learn a lot and was able to make some wonderful memories. Thanks to phones and the Internet we will be able to stay in touch. I'm so grateful for the family that I have they are great and I couldn't have ask for a better one. I love them all!!
Here are so updated photos of the girls. Have a wonderful Holiday season.
Livi @ 4 months
Annabug just had her 2nd birthday!

The age of mischief...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slacker...thats me!

These pictures are all mixed up...sorry. The ones where the kids and Norman are dressed up are from a sunday we went on a walk. It was so nice. The other pictures are from when we went to ZooBoo. Annabug was a lion, Livi was a bear and i was a tiger....Lions, Trigers, and Bears O my! It was great...I think the grandparents might have had just as much fun as the kids. Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Livi is here!

A week old

Annabug loves her little sister!

The birth was so crazy. When I was 37 weeks I went in to the Doctors and he said that I was 3 centimeters. So he sent me to labor and delivery. I was there for a couple of hours and nothing was really happening so they sent me home. I wasn't to happy about that, but what are you going to do. Needless to say I tried everything to get the baby to come. She had other plans though. Two weeks went by and I was still pregnant. Then at 4:30am, on Aug. 1st my water was kinda funny because I wasn't sure if that's what had happened. So we went to the hospital, we got there around 5:00am. They did all the paper work while I was hooked up to the baby monitor. Now here comes the really crazy part. They checked me and I was 6 centimeters! At this point I was very nervous that I would have to go natural. They got me in a room and I was there for a little bit and they checked again and i was 9 centimeters!!! The next thing I know I was pushing!! Thankfully I was only pushing for about 10 min. and she was out at 7:07.
Annbug has been pretty good with the baby. She loves Livi sometimes a little to much. We thank God for our wonderful girls!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer updates

It has been a great summer thus far.

My sister Veronica had her baby! Isn't he the cutest!

My brother Ben graduated from high school.

Bug has just loved being out side. She loves playing the garden.

She enjoys being with her dad.

She isn't sure what to think about the new baby.

The swimming pool is her favorite place to be.
She is getting so good at swimming.

We don't have much longer before we have our new little one here. I'm most defiantly ready for her to come. It will be crazy having two kids running around but i think that we are up for the challenge. well i have to go put the bug to bed... enjoy the pics.(Nicole took most of them...she is great isn't she.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


To up date you on the doctor....I'm so glad that i change!!!! My new Doctor is the best! The 1 visit he know not only know my name but he took the time to look up my husbands name so he know that to when he come in. I have nothing but good things to say about him. I feel a million times better about my diabetes and how he will handle that and the labor and delivery. I know that God had his hand in us finding our new doctor and I'm very grateful for that. God does answer prays!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Doctor and Things...

I finally found a new doctor!!! Can I tell you how good that makes me feel! It's hard when you don't feel comfortable with your doctor. I have an appointment in 2 weeks and we will see how that goes. We have done a lot of praying so I feel that this is what the Lord would have us do.

This past month we had a lot of family over. It was lots of fun, and a little crazy. I enjoyed speneding time with my mother-in-law. It was good to get to know her better. I also enjoyed being with my sisters!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today it was wonderful out. We were able to go out with hoodies and sweaters. Bug was so happy to be outside.
Monica and bug

Ben and Bug


This picture looks funny...I look like am upside down.
I love this one. I think it was so cute.
Ben, Bug, and Monica
Ben and Monica
We were in Sam's Club and there was a box of huge stuffed animals so we put her in it. She had fun.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We are having...

We went to the doctors yesterday and we found out that we are having another little girl! I think that it will be lots of fun. I love having sisters! Sharing clothes, a room, lots of laughs and many more things that i can't think of right now.(pergo brain) We have a lot of great memories and I know that there will be more to come. I love you Veronica, Nicole and Monica!(Don't worry Ben your my Favorite brother and I love you too!) Norman did already talk to Bug and said that her and her sister can't PMS. LOL we will see how that goes.
So I have a theory...I think Norman might have to wait for his little boy. He say we have to have at lest one boy. I think that the boy will be saved for last...just to make sure we have all the kids that God wants us to. :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Having fun at lens crafters

She found out that she could fit in her toy box.
She love these water bottles...carried them around for a little while.

Eating lunch yummy yummy

16 weeks

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby # 2

At the beginning of this month I start to not feel very good. I thought that it might be the flu because every one in my family got it... but I still didn't feel right a week or two later so I took a pregnancy test. It come out positive! We are very excited...but that's not the end of the story. So I made a Ob appointment and I wasn't sure when my period was so they sent me for ultrasound. I thought that they might say that we are 2 months at most but it turns out that we are 12 weeks! Surprise we are 3 months pregnant!
Bug come to the ultrasound with us and she wasn't very happy that mommy wasn't holding her. Afterwards we showed her the pictures and she thought they were great. She was pointing to them and talking it was sweet.
This one is a 3D ultrasound. I thought that it was pretty cool. (The baby is facing right)
This one is a normal ultrasound. (The baby is facing down.)